Factory Working Conditions in Indonesia: The Garment and Textile Industry

Factories around the world are required to ensure fair working conditions, including the health, safety, fair compensation, and well-being of the employees, as well as reducing the risks and hazards in the factories where they work. In some countries and industries, however, workers still face unethical treatment, particularly in the garments industry where there is …

American Eagle Factory Working Conditions

Fast fashion is a clothing design and manufacturing method that aims to produce and sell large amounts of cheaply-made clothes extremely quickly. Fast fashion is notorious for its poor ethics and sustainability practices. Today, many mainstream clothing manufacturers rely on cheap labor and do not protect the health, safety, fair compensation, and wellbeing of the …

Gucci Factory Working Conditions

International labor laws focus on ensuring the health, safety, compensation, and wellbeing of the employees, as well as reducing the risks and hazards in the factories where they work. Many fashion brands advertise their dedication to ensuring fair working conditions and complying with labor laws, but not all companies follow through on actually protecting their …